Monday, February 19, 2007

Valentine's Day Special

'Will you be my Valentine?' said the Spider to the Fly

I read this statement in one of the blogs and it actually got me thinking. I googled it and read the poem the "The spider and the fly" . It was funny and in the end it had a moral too.

So how my thought process went was something like this. The first thing that came to my mind was who was the spider and who was the fly in the above scenario ? In the sense that are men the spiders and women the flies or vice versa ? Being the equal oppurtunity guy I am, I thought I would argue the case both ways.

Men who claim they are the flies

Ofcourse we are the flies, arent we? Easily duped by that feminine charm, with those lovey dovey faces, with every trick in the world they ever conjured. What choice do we hapless men have ? We have to invent pick up lines, we have to show them that we are different or atleast we need to have a good bank balance if not Hrithik like looks. It gives us nightmares thinking about whats the next move we need to make to make her stay. Am I treating her too non chalantly or am I suffocating her with too much attention. Am I supposed to hold her hand while crossing the road or would she think that I am being amorous. But still the web is so strong that one we are stuck we are stuck for life unless ofcourse the spiderwoman is on men diet.

Men who claim they are the spiders.

Ha ha women, those fragile looking things, those easily culpable species who would lap up any shit we give. They keep dreaming about Mr Prince Charming who would come on a stallion and save them from the dragons of life, but poor little things how would they know that Mr Prince Charming himself is a dragon in disguise - Mu ha ha (evil laugh). We just need to don the role of this guy who listens to all their woes, who provides them the emotional and financial security and they would walk into any trap. Its a men's world my dear f of s and the only place for you women is in the kitchen and the only work they are capable of doing is procreating - Mu ha ha.

Women who claim they are the spiders

Men ? Lol what a joke they are. The whole purpose God created them was to be a toy in the hands of a woman and when she gets tired she can dump them in any garbage can she wishes and play with another toy. You know something - The greatest trick the devil ever played was to convince the world that it doesnt exist. Thats how we have been all the way. We act as if we are subservient to men, we convince them that without them we cannot survive, we make them feel that they are the masters, they are mighty powerful capable of inflicting any hardship on us and trust us these men are suckers for power however virtual it may be. Now you know who the real master is and History stands testimony to the power wielded by us. And the quote 'Hell hath no fury as a Woman's scorn' is definitely not a bugaboo.

Women who claim they are the flies.

You know he says that I am the most beautiful woman he has ever met and he cannot live without me and he would spend his entire life trying to make me happy and he kneels down on one knee and pops up the inevitable quetion every women so badly wants to be asked - Will you marry me ? And thats it we get all teary eyed and say 'Yesss'. What did we knew then that tomorrow the ritual is going to be repeated with another setting and another woman. By the time we wake up to the harsh realities of life we are already devoured. We fall for the same old formula again and again and how we wish we can learn from our mistakes.

So guys here I have been the counsel for all the four cases and you being the Jury pass the Judgement.


Unknown said...

hey avi,interesting thot process.But why such extremes?U seem 2 be talkg abt exceptions
i wud personally like to believe men and women are nicer people,though they might get nasty at times!

catch 22 said...

Nothing personal here was just trying to see what kind of justification I come up with the claims, thats all. And yeah it was meant to be funny.

Sindhuja Parthasarathy said...

:-) i spoiled it for u?

Saira said...

Hey..welcome back AVI..if im not wrong with ur name..:)
well well...abt the post...i actually smiled on the portion where men claim to be sounded...otherwise if we see practically there are all such kind of ppl living here...well abt the men who claim to be suggestion wud be to stop thinking that much...:D

~SuCh~ said...

why should the fly be the hapless prey and the spider the gluttonous predator ???

Why not picture the fly as a deceptive target.. and the spider as a desperate or relentless(if you want to make it positiv) persuant ?

Would like to hear your arguments on that, Mr.Animalian Lawyer.. :-)

catch 22 said...

@ Sol - Animalian Lawyer ? Wow that sounds so hep ;).

Well the post was with reference to the poem in which the Spider is deceptive host and fly a victim, so i was working in the frameworks of the poem. But yeah once you come out of that framework there are so many other perspctives possible...The ecologists would say its a part of eco cycle, if the spider doesnt eat the fly there would be too many flies and too less spider which would disturb the eco ystem as a whole. The Insect activists would say the fly has its right to live hence all spiders should be hanged (?), I mean they should be punsihed cos they are already hung ;).